Is music your hobby then your are at the right place! More than a hobby, we incorporate a set of massive value additions to your hobby with our comprehensive learning sessions and discover the ability of composing masterpieces.​
Syllabus Coverage
Individual Teaching
Basic to Advanced Knowledge
Music Assessment
Music/Song Composing
Music Workshops
Music Events

With our intuitive crash courses and deeply insightful teaching sessions, discover your ultimate potential of music abilities easily and quickly.
6 Months courses are covered in timespan of 30/45/60 days with daily 3 hour batches.
Syllabus Coverage
Basic to Advanced Knowledge
Music Assessment & Composing
Artistic sensibilities
Music Workshops
Music Events

Take your music passion to next level with our Government Certified Exam Courses at ease of your comfort.
Students get to dive deep into the music as their career and make their talent and passion to the best possible use..
Certificate Level
Advanced Certificate Level
Diploma Level
Advanced Diploma Level

Very serious about pursuing Music as your career? Master and portray comprehensive skills and knowledge of music with our standard set of international exams conducted by Trinity College London.
Course Features
Initial to 8th Grade
Basic to Advanced Music Knowledge
Universal Language of Music
Music Workshops
Special trainings & sessions